Liquid rhinoplasty

In micro-droplets


    15–30 minutes




    12 months


    Bruising, swelling, lumps


    Avoid touching or makeup for six hours, avoid glasses or sunglasses for two days


    Needle or cannula



A more evenly-shaped nose that harmonises your facial features can be yours without having to endure long and uncomfortable surgery recovery times.

In a great many cases – for example, if you’re bothered by a bump, a curve, a flat bridge or a droopy tip – a series of minute and strategically placed filler injections can be all it takes to transform your nose in minutes.

Non-surgical liquid rhinoplasty is one of the most popular tweakments in aesthetic medicine. It aims to bring balance to the face by contouring and straightening the nose, correcting the asymmetries that draw attention away from other facial features, improving light reflection and giving it a smaller overall appearance.

The procedure can also help to refine the results from previous surgical nose work.

“After the eyes, the nose is my favourite feature to treat: it’s central to our appearance so correcting a hump, droop or asymmetry gives comfort quite unlike anything else”


In contrast to what patients often expect, it’s a very quick and comfortable procedure, with almost no down-time. There are multiple anatomical components that make up the nose (for example, the bridge, the tip, the nasal ala), all of which can be altered or disguised to ensure a more aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Dr Joshua has considerable experience in performing nose reshaping treatments, training with the world’s best in the latest and most advanced non-surgical techniques.

Is a non-surgical nose job suitable for everyone?
It can address many anatomical niggles affecting the shape of the nose, improving the side and front profile, but it cannot address them all. It isn’t a suitable correction for breathing difficulties, reducing wide nostrils or bulbous tips, for example. A thorough assessment and consultation is advised to determine the best options for you.

Can liquid rhinoplasty make your nose smaller?
Although the treatment involves adding dermal filler, the effect of this complex and delicate work is to create the illusion of a smaller nose. The improved symmetry and light reflection will better complement the face as a whole, making it a less distracting feature.

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